Corpus 0 ACTEaS_Promo: Herbal tea promotional texts



N Tagging ID Contenido Nº de palabras
1 [001INwsNA140625FoodEs] Preparado bio para vino caliente -Proven d'Antan 241
2 [002INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana 3cofrets - Provence d'Antan 250
3 [003INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana de frutas bio - Provence d'Antan 144
4 [004INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana de los Alpes - Pricen d'Antan 132
5 [005INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana del Monte bajo de Córcega - Provence d'Antan 183
6 [006INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana bio de amor - Provence d'Antan 153
7 [007INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana Digestiva bio- Provence d'Antan 129
8 [008INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana Marsella - Provence d'Antan 167
9 [009INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana Serenidad con Flores Bio - Provence d'Antan 134
10 [010INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana sueño bio - Provence d'Antan 127
11 [011INwsNA140625FoodEs] Tisana vientre plano bio - Provence d'Antan 136
12 [012INwsNE140625FoodEs] Alivia tus gases - Novadiet 70
13 [013INwsNE140625FoodEs] Choco - Yogi tea 121
14 [014INwsNE140625FoodEs] Classic - Yogi tea 143
15 [015INwsNE160625FoodEs] Como un reloj - Novadiet 104
16 [016INwsNE140625FoodEs] Control de peso - Novadiet 81
17 [017INwsNE140625FoodEs] Depuración hepática - Novadiet 82
18 [018INwsNE140625FoodEs] Descanso feliz - Novadiet 133
19 [019INwsNE140625FoodEs] Digestion - Novadiet 176
20 [020INwsNE140625FoodEs] Favorece tu circulación - Novadiet 78
21 [021INwsNE140625FoodEs] Fit 4 the day - Yogi tea 148
22 [022INwsNE140625FoodEs] Good night - Yogi tea 144
23 [023INwsNE140625FoodEs] Green chai - Yogi tea 146
24 [024INwsNE140625FoodEs] Hierba Luisa - Artemis 34
25 [025INwsNE140625FoodEs] Hinojo - Artemis 56
26 [026INwsNE140625FoodEs] Jasmine - Yogi tea 214
27 [027INwsNE140625FoodEs] Lotus - Yogi tea 221
28 [028INwsNE140625FoodEs] Mandarin - Yogi tea 194
29 [029INwsNE140625FoodEs] Natusor Broncopul - Soria Natural 91
30 [030INwsNE140625FoodEs] Natusor Broncopul 25 - Soria Natural 60
31 [031INwsNE140625FoodEs] Natusor Digeslan - Soria Natural 90
32 [032INwsNE140625FoodEs] Natusor Harpagosinol - Soria Natural 100
33 [033INwsNE140625FoodEs] Natusor Hepavesical - Soria Natural 152
34 [034INwsNE140625FoodEs] Natusor Tensión A - Soria Natural 55
35 [035INwsNE140625FoodEs] Natusor Malvasen - Soria Natural 77
36 [036INwsNE140625FoodEs] Protección - Yogi tea 106
37 [037INwsNE140625FoodEs] Purifica - Yogi tea 199
38 [038INwsNE140625FoodEs] Relax- Yogi tea 138
39 [039INwsNE140625FoodEs] Rose - Yogi tea 198
40 [040INwsNE140625FoodEs] Salvia - Artemis 52
41 [041INwsNE140625FoodEs] Te Kukicha - Luz de vida 138
42 [042INwsNE140625FoodEs] Te MU 16 hierbas - Luz de vida 68
43 [043INwsNE140625FoodEs] Te verde - Artemis 108
44 [044INwsNE140625FoodEs] Viente plano - Novadiet 98
45 [045INwsNE140625FoodEs] Yerba Mate - Taragui 120
46 [046INwsPO140704FoodEs] Boldo 53
47 [047INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión regula bien 67
48 [048INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión cola de caballo plus 3 79
49 [049INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión delgaxan plus 101
50 [050INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión detox 68
51 [051INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión duerme bien plus 95
52 [052INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión non stress 102
53 [053INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión valeriana plus 5 82
54 [054INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión digestive plus 75
55 [055INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión respira bien 76
56 [056INwsPO140704FoodEs] Multinfusión vitadiez 103
57 [057INwsSU140711FoodEs] Adelgasana 258
58 [058INwsSU140711FoodEs] Digesana 202
59 [059INwsSU140711FoodEs] Duermesana 195
60 [060INwsSU140711FoodEs] Laxsana 171
61 [061INwsSU140711FoodEs] Manzanilla 90
62 [062INwsSU140711FoodEs] Menta con frutos rojos 161
63 [063INwsSU140711FoodEs] Menta-poleo 115
64 [064INwsSU140711FoodEs] Relaxsana 203
65 [065INwsSU140711FoodEs] Respirasana 230
66 [066INwsSU140711FoodEs] Sanacol 221
67 [067INwsSU140711FoodEs] Sanatens 168
68 [068INwsSU140711FoodEs] Te energy 228
69 [069INwsSU140711FoodEs] Te negro 93
70 [070INwsSU140711FoodEs] Te verde 100
71 [071INwsSU140711FoodEs] Te rojo 96
72 [072INwsSU140711FoodEs] Tila 90
73 [073INwsHO140714FoodEs] Frambuesa rooibos 159
74 [074INwsHO140714FoodEs] Manzana canela 192
75 [075INwsHO140714FoodEs] Melocotón maracuyá 192
76 [076INwsHO140714FoodEs] Ciruela vainilla 183
77 [077INwsHO140714FoodEs] Té classic 148
78 [078INwsHO140714FoodEs] Té darjeeling 174
79 [079INwsHO140714FoodEs] Té rojo con anis 216
80 [080INwsHO140714FoodEs] Té verde a la menta 196
81 [081INwsHO140714FoodEs] Té blanco con vainilla 172
82 [082INwsHO140714FoodEs] Té verde al limón 172
83 [083INwsHO140714FoodEs] Rooibos con especias 224
84 [084INwsHO140714FoodEs] Earl Grey 140
85 [085INwsHO140714FoodEs] Té chái 198
86 [086INwsTS140723FoodEs] Apple Temptation 107
87 [087INwsTS140723FoodEs] Cocktail de frutas 110
88 [088INwsTS140723FoodEs] Cocoa orange 129
89 [089INwsTS140723FoodEs] Delicia golden 74
90 [090INwsTS140723FoodEs] Indian secret 98
91 [091INwsTS140723FoodEs] Indian yogi 81
92 [092INwsTS140723FoodEs] Magic forest 100
93 [093INwsTS140723FoodEs] Polar Mint 102
94 [094INwsTS140723FoodEs] SangriaTea 102
95 [095INwsTS140723FoodEs] Siesta 112
96 [096INwsSI140728FoodEs] Estómago feliz, hombre contento 62
97 [097INwsSI140728FoodEs] Fresco de primavera 95
98 [098INwsSI140728FoodEs] Infusión de la risa 135
99 [099INwsSI140728FoodEs] Rosa mosqueta 149
100 [100INwsSI140728FoodEs] Té del poder 114
101 [101INwsNS140805FoodEs] Té Rojo - JOSENEA 259
102 [102INwsNS140805FoodEs] Té Verde - JOSENEA 297
103 [103INwsNS140805FoodEs] Tomillo Equinacea Hisopo - JOSENEA 300
104 [104INwsNS140805FoodEs] Valeriana - JOSENEA 202
105 [105INwsNS140805FoodEs] Vara de Oro Granel - JOSENEA 185
106 [106INwsNS140805FoodEs] Verbena Granel - JOSENEA 186
107 [107INwsNS140805FoodEs] Vid Roja Granel - JOSENEA 200
108 [108INwsET140805FoodEs] Chai Herbal 81
109 [109INwsET140805FoodEs] Cherry banana 53
110 [110INwsET140805FoodEs] Dátil Chocho Chile 60
111 [111INwsET140805FoodEs] Dátil Citrus 53
112 [112INwsET140805FoodEs] Hurricane 69
113 [113INwsET140805FoodEs] Manila 56
114 [114INwsET140805FoodEs] Manzanilla Lavanda 51
115 [115INwsET140805FoodEs] Meditación 56
116 [116INwsET140805FoodEs] Moras de la Selva 54
117 [117INwsET140805FoodEs] Papantla 43
118 [118INwsET140805FoodEs] Rooibos Strudell 68
119 [119INwsET140805FoodEs] Fresa Kiwi 52
120 [120INwsET140805FoodEs] Blue Eyes 51
121 [121INwsET140805FoodEs] Ponche Guayaba 49
122 [122INwsET140805FoodEs] Zurich 42
123 [123INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té Pakistaní 142
124 [124INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té Pastel de Navidad 104
125 [125INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té azul Wak 91
126 [126INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té azul wulung algas con naranja 155
127 [127INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té azul wakame 128
128 [128INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té blanco frutas royal 125
129 [129INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té blanco Tokio Japón 148
130 [130INwsCT141127FoodEs] China Pai Mu Tan (Té Mu) 147
131 [131INwsCT141127FoodEs] China Pai Mu Tan Mandarina (Té Mu) 151
132 [132INwsCT141127FoodEs] Tu-erh té original de Yunnan 159
133 [133INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té ruscus 151
134 [134INwsCT141127FoodEs] Pu-erh canela y limón 158
135 [135INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té rojo vientre plano 138
136 [136INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té a la marrakch 140
137 [137INwsCT141127FoodEs] Kukicha te verde japonés 142
138 [138INwsCT141127FoodEs] Genmaicha 190
139 [139INwsCT141127FoodEs] Té verde fuera líquidos 158
140 [140INwsCT141127FoodEs] China Huang Da Cha 155
141 [141INwsBA141127FoodEs] Moruno Hierbabuena 26
142 [142INwsBA141127FoodEs] Mao Fresa Plátano 33
143 [143INwsBA141127FoodEs] English breakfast 34
144 [144INwsBA141127FoodEs] Té de canela 29
145 [145INwsBA141127FoodEs] Té de fresas con nata 35
146 [146INwsTE141127FoodEs] Berries silvestres 24
147 [147INwsTE141127FoodEs] Tesoro de los mayas 27
148 [148INwsTE141127FoodEs] Açai Piña 29
149 [149INwsTE141127FoodEs] Arándano limón 21
150 [150INwsTE141127FoodEs] Green chai 37



N Tagging ID Contents Number of words
1 [001INwsTS140704FoodEn] Chamomile 40
2 [002INwsTS140704FoodEn] Evening in Massoula 35
3 [003INwsTS140704FoodEn] Fruit of the plains 41
4 [004INwsTS140704FoodEn] Ginger root 40
5 [005INwsTS140704FoodEn] Hibiscus 35
6 [006INwsTS140704FoodEn] Margaret's Soother 20
7 [007INwsTS140704FoodEn] Orange Blossom Special 21
8 [008INwsTS140704FoodEn] Peach paradise 24
9 [009INwsTS140704FoodEn] Peppermint 29
10 [010INwsTS140704FoodEn] Red berries 59
11 [011INwsTS140704FoodEn] Red berries Iced Tea Pouches 143
12 [012INwsTS140704FoodEn] Starfire Licorice 31
13 [013INwsTS140704FoodEn] Sweet Sarsaparilla 56
14 [014INwsCP140704FoodEn] Blueberry Yogurt Honeybush 157
15 [015INwsCP140704FoodEn] Calming tea 95
16 [016INwsCP140704FoodEn] Cold Relief tea 109
17 [017INwsCP140704FoodEn] Cool Mint 86
18 [018INwsCP140704FoodEn] Detox tea 141
19 [019INwsCP140704FoodEn] Feng Shui 79
20 [020INwsCP140704FoodEn] Guayusa Spice Organic 79
21 [021INwsCP140704FoodEn] Holy basic organic 306
22 [022INwsCP140704FoodEn] Invigorating Mint Maté 89
23 [023INwsCP140704FoodEn] Jet Lag Awake Strawberry 129
24 [024INwsCP140704FoodEn] Lemongrass Ginger Serenity Organic 88
25 [025INwsCP140704FoodEn] Moroccan Mint 64
26 [026INwsCP140704FoodEn] Nile Chamomile Organic 107
27 [027INwsCP140704FoodEn] On the waterfront 106
28 [028INwsCP140704FoodEn] Orange Grapefruit Wellness Tea 115
29 [029INwsCP140704FoodEn] Peppermint 67
30 [030INwsCP140704FoodEn] Relaxing Tea 104
31 [031INwsCP140704FoodEn] Stimulating Tea 74
32 [032INwsCP140704FoodEn] Sweet and Spicy 77
33 [033INwsCP140704FoodEn] Sweet White Chai 93
34 [034INwsCP140704FoodEn] Yoga Tea 117
35 [035INwsLI140708FoodEn] Bedtime Story Herbal Tea 126
36 [036INwsLI140708FoodEn] Blackberry Vanilla Herbal Tea 123
37 [037INwsLI140708FoodEn] Orange Blossom Hibiscus Herbal Tea 119
38 [038INwsLI140708FoodEn] Peppermint Herbal Tea 87
39 [039INwsLI140708FoodEn] Pineapple Chamomile Herbal Tea 110
40 [040INwsPU140717FoodEn] Edelberry and echinacea with elderflower 165
41 [041INwsPU140717FoodEn] After dinner 148
42 [042INwsPU140717FoodEn] Cleanse 146
43 [043INwsPU140717FoodEn] Detox 133
44 [044INwsPU140717FoodEn] Harmonise 136
45 [045INwsPU140717FoodEn] Lemon, ginger and manuka honey 172
46 [046INwsPU140717FoodEn] Love 137
47 [047INwsPU140717FoodEn] Night time 143
48 [048INwsPU140717FoodEn] Peppermint and licorice 183
49 [049INwsPU140717FoodEn] Refresh 139
50 [050INwsPU140717FoodEn] Relax 146
51 [051INwsPU140717FoodEn] Three cinnamon 129
52 [052INwsPU140717FoodEn] Three ginger triple pack 155
53 [053INwsPU140717FoodEn] Three Tulsi 155
54 [054INwsRT140720FoodEn] Hibiscus Coconut Full Leaf 114
55 [055INwsRT140720FoodEn] Hibiscus Key Lime Full Leaf 128
56 [056INwsRT140720FoodEn] Hibiscus Vanilla Apple Full Leaf 129
57 [057INwsRT140720FoodEn] Cardamon Cinnamon Herbal Tea Bags 130
58 [058INwsRT140720FoodEn] Ginseng Peppermint Herbal Tea Bags 95
59 [059INwsRT140720FoodEn] Orange Ginger Mint Herbal Tea 176
60 [060INwsRT140720FoodEn] Desert Sage Full leaf 103
61 [061INwsRT140720FoodEn] Jiaogulan Superherb Tea Bags 141
62 [062INwsRT140720FoodEn] Republic Chai Red Tea bags 124
63 [063INwsRT140720FoodEn] Mango Chili Green Rooibos 139
64 [064INwsRT140720FoodEn] Tangerine Red Tea Bags 125
65 [065INwsTW140723FoodEn] Cherry and cinnamon 312
66 [066INwsTW140723FoodEn] Restoring Echinacea 314
67 [067INwsTW140723FoodEn] Purifying Dandelion 253
68 [068INwsTW140723FoodEn] Soothing Camomile and Honey 301
69 [069INwsTW140723FoodEn] Supporting Raspberry Leaf 242
70 [070INwsTW140723FoodEn] Cleansing Fennel 290
71 [071INwsTW140723FoodEn] Settling Ginger 259
72 [072INwsTW140723FoodEn] Rejuvenating Nettle 237
73 [073INwsTW140723FoodEn] Revitalising Lemon and Ginger 336
74 [074INwsTW140723FoodEn] Comforting Liquorice 247
75 [075INwsTW140724FoodEn] Cranberry and Raspberry 320
76 [076INwsCL140724FoodEn] Cranberry and Raspberry 23
77 [077INwsCL140724FoodEn] Organic Apple and Elderflower 28
78 [078INwsCL140724FoodEn] Organic Dandelion and Burdock 51
79 [079INwsCL140724FoodEn] Organic Infusions Redbush 44
80 [080INwsAD140724FoodEn] Berry blast 74
81 [081INwsAD140724FoodEn] Blood orange 67
82 [082INwsAD140724FoodEn] Chamomile 96
83 [083INwsAD140724FoodEn] Dewy cherry 45
84 [084INwsAD140724FoodEn] Foxtrot 79
85 [085INwsAD140724FoodEn] Mango melange 47
86 [086INwsAD140724FoodEn] Moca nut mate 62
87 [087INwsAD140724FoodEn] Pina colada 74
88 [088INwsAD140724FoodEn] Sour Apple 53
89 [089INwsAD140724FoodEn] Spearmint 80
90 [090INwsAD140724FoodEn] Watermelon cooler 66
91 [091INwsAD140724FoodEn] Wild strawberry 71
92 [092INwsNE140728FoodEn] Nerada Organics Lemon Myrtle 128
93 [093INwsNE140728FoodEn] Nerada White Tea 162
94 [094INwsNE140728FoodEn] Nerada Organcs Green Tea 101
95 [095INwsNE140728FoodEn] Organic Rooibos and Vanilla 132
96 [096INwsDT140728FoodEn] Bear Trap 104
97 [097INwsDT140728FoodEn] Bravissimo 93
98 [098INwsDT140728FoodEn] Caramel corn 128
99 [099INwsDT140728FoodEn] Cherry snowcone 117
100 [100INwsDT140728FoodEn] Cold 911 122
101 [101INwsDT140728FoodEn] Exotica 105
102 [102INwsDT140728FoodEn] Forever nuts 103
103 [103INwsDT140728FoodEn] Goji pop 106
104 [104INwsDT140728FoodEn] Guava Cadabra 122
105 [105INwsDT140728FoodEn] Hot tropic 125
106 [106INwsDT140728FoodEn] Le Digestif 104
107 [107INwsDT140728FoodEn] Lemon Myrtle Organic 95
108 [108INwsDT140728FoodEn] Licorice Twist 120
109 [109INwsDT140728FoodEn] Magic dragon 141
110 [110INwsDT140728FoodEn] Mango Fruit Punch 116
111 [111INwsDT140728FoodEn] Mango Lassi 133
112 [112INwsDT140728FoodEn] Midsummer Night Dream 107
113 [113INwsDT140728FoodEn] Mighty Aphrodite 127
114 [114INwsDT140728FoodEn] Mother's Little Helper 106
115 [115INwsDT140728FoodEn] Mulberry Magic 99
116 [116INwsDT140728FoodEn] Peppermint Amour 82
117 [117INwsDT140728FoodEn] Pink Flamingo 117
118 [118INwsDT140728FoodEn] Redberry tonic 113
119 [119INwsDT140728FoodEn] Spearmint 95
120 [120INwsDT140728FoodEn] Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait 139
121 [121INwsDT140728FoodEn] Sweet dreams 107
122 [122INwsDT140728FoodEn] Tea my Baby 129
123 [123INwsDT140728FoodEn] Watermelon mint 119
124 [124INwsJI141127FoodEn] Ali Shan Oolong Tea 145
125 [125INwsJI141127FoodEn] Jasmine Pearls Green Tea 215
126 [126INwsJI141127FoodEn] Jasmine Silver Needle Tea Bags 191
127 [127INwsJI141127FoodEn] JING Assam Breakfast 308
128 [128INwsJI141127FoodEn] JING English Breakfast 206
129 [129INwsJI141127FoodEn] Organic Jade Sword Green Tea Bags 203
130 [130INwsJI141127FoodEn] Whole Rosebuds Herbal Tea 165
131 [131INwsJI141127FoodEn] Yellow Gold Oolong Tea 182
132 [132INwsCT141127FoodEn] China White Yin Zhen Silver Needle Organic 110
133 [133INwsCT141127FoodEn] Darjeeling Seeyok Seconf Flush Organic 74
134 [134INwsCT141127FoodEn] Imperial Earl Grey 42
135 [135INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Assam Nahorhabi 65
136 [136INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Bancha Organic 57
137 [137INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Ceyon Light and Late Decaffinated tea 71
138 [138INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Cranberry 54
139 [139INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Darjeeling Badamtam First Flush Organic 68
140 [140INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt English Breakfast St James 60
141 [141INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Fit and Fruit 57
142 [142INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Golden Dragon 74
143 [143INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Jasmine with Petals 54
144 [144INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Olympic Star (Sport Cup) 56
145 [145INwsCT141127FoodEn] Sencha Senpai 90
146 [146INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Peach Garden 55
147 [147INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Princess Grey 65
148 [148INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Pu Erh Organic Tea 190
149 [149INwsCT141127FoodEn] Rooibos Super Grade Organic 66
150 [150INwsCT141127FoodEn] Ronnefeldt Teavelope Green Angel Organic 70