Contrastive Analysis and Translation
Corpus catalogue
Generator of instruction manuals for household appliances
This application enables native Spanish speakers who have an intermediate level of English to compose professional instruction manuals for household appliances in English.


This generator of instruction manuals in English serves as a guide for native Spanish speakers with an intermediate level of English who are required to compose such texts for professional purposes.

This application draws on information stored in a data base which comprises a corpus of 40 texts composed in English and 40 texts composed in Spanish. The corpus has been tagged rhetorically so as to assist the user in the identification of the different sections that need to be included. Furthermore, the generator provides a series of linguistic options and recommendations that are typical of such text types and provides examples that are drawn from the corpus. These recommendations consist of phrases with gaps to be filled with the pertinent, relevant content required by each individual user. In addition, the generator provides a lexicographical tool in the form of a bilingual glossary containing semi-technical words typical of these text types.

The generator, which facilitates the filling in of the main sections of these types of text, includes the following sections:

    1. Identification
      1.1. Manufacturing company
      1.2. Company logo
      1.3. Name of the appliance
      1.4. Model of the appliance
      1.5. Illustration of the appliance
      1.6. Elements of the appliance
      1.7. Purpose of elements of the appliance
    2. Objective description
      2.1. Specifications
    3. Functions
      3.1. Installation
        3.1.1. Introduction to installation
        3.1.2. Installation stages
      3.2. Operating
        3.2.1. Operating stages
    4. Advice
      4.1. Extra tips
      4.2. Dos
      4.3. Don’ts
      4.4. Maintenance
        4.4.1. Maintenance stages
      4.5. Troubleshooting
        4.5.1. Problem/solution
        4.5.2. Guarantee
      4.6. Safety
      4.7. Recycling
      4.8. Information of the company and consumers’ service